This spectacular concert with the outstanding Hungarian traditional folk singer, Mária Petrás who was born in a small Hungarian village of Moldavia, and with the best
Hungarian dancer/choreographer couple, Zoltan Farkas and Ildiko give an outlook of
the rich Hungarian traditions.
Bartók and the tradition
Takács Quartet Muzsikás joint concert
with Marta Sebestyen

A concert with one of the leading string quartets of the world, the
2003 Grammy/winner Takács Quartet and with the outstanding singer, Marta Sebestyen shows the spiritual
background of the works of Bartók
read more of the 2004. project
read more of the 2006. project
Rewiev of the Carnegie Hall concert in the New York Times
Allegro Barbaro
Bartók piano works and the folk music
Muzsikás with Jenő Jandó pianist

The influence of the atmosphere of the rural musical tradition can be discovered in many famous piano works of Bartók. The concert is built up with traditional tunes played by Muzsikás and famous piano works of Bartók performed by the brilliant Hungarian pianist, Jenő Jandó creating a new musical enjoyment.
The lost Jewish music of Transylvania

The concert is based on the "Maramaros" album of Muzsikas
and shows the similarities and diferences between the traditional
Hungarian folkmusic of Transylvania and the lost rural
transylvanian Hungarian Jewish music.
read more of the Maramaros album...
Kodály: The cello and the tradition
The spirit of the Hungarian folk music can be heard in the
compositions od Kodály. This concert based on the
Cello Solo Sonata (Op. 8.), one of the most challenging
cello-work of the World. This phantasctic music is performed
by Roel Dieltiens, the famous Belgian
cellist; Muzsikás surround it with traditional tunes
Bartók String Quartet - Muzsikás

The collaboration with the world-famous Hungarian string quartet
resulted a concert where string quartet works of Kodály and
Bartók are played in musical surround of traditional music.
This special concert-program was performed in Hungary several times
with the singer, Márta Sebestyén. Recently we Muzsikás
performes this program with the excellent singer: Mária Petrás
read more... (in Hungarian)
concert review, Miskolc Opera Festival (in Hungarian)
concert review, Liszt Music Academy (in Hungarian)
Alexander Balanescu - Muzsikás concert
The collaboration with one of the best violonists of the world began
with the recordings of "Bartok Album". In the last five
years we had several joint concerts in the most famous concert
halls and festivals from New York and London to Tunisia and Hong
Kong. In the concert Balanescu always plays on of his virtuoso
improvisations proving that the contemporary and traditional music
can be mathced.
Classical - Traditional
Concert together with a symhonic orchestra
A concert with a symphonic orchestra give an outlook of
the origin of some work of the 20th century Hungarian composers
(Bartók, Kodály, Ligeti, Kurtág).
Muzsikás created and performed concerts together with the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
conducted by Ilan Volkov (Israel) and the Danubia Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Domonkos Héja.
In december 2006 Warner Music released a DVD named "CLIP" with the joint concert of Muzsikás, Márta Sebestyén and the Danubia Symphonic Orhestra.
Ilan Volkov wrote about the project
A review of the concert in The Herald, Glasgow
The roots of Bartók

The concert based on the "Bartok Album" CD of Muzsikas. The
melodies of some popular works of Bartók are played by
Muzsikas in traditional style as Bartok could
have heard them during his fileld trips.
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